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  • Explorers Club NYC

Explorers Club NYC: World Oceans Week

Updated: Aug 7, 2020

Explorers Club New York Hosts Reef Life
The Explorers Club

Laurie J Wilson Blue Ocean

Laurie J Wilson Blue Ocean

In concert with the UN Ocean Conference & World Oceans Day, The Explorers Club presented World Oceans Week, five days of extraordinary ocean related programs. Reef Life Restorations' Melody Brenna, speaking at the United Nations 6th June attended the events at the Explorers Club. Laurie J Wilson Blue Ocean Network attended as well: Under the orienting force of United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #14 - conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development - World Oceans Week will bring together experts from multiple disciplines, along with authoritative oceanic institutions to imagine a better future for the oceans and the world that relies on it. Given the unique heritage of our Membership and our record of ocean conservation, it is only natural that The Explorers Club should serve as a gathering place for such an endeavor. With diplomats, celebrities, scientists, and friends all sorting their schedules, there are elements of the program still in flux, but we wanted to share some highlights of the week for you below. More information on the week will be forthcoming in the following days.

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